Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that decrease our chances of developing various diseases. Many contain antioxidants and, specifically, phytochemicals. These phytochemicals have different purposes depending on what foods they are found in. For example, naturally red foods, such as tomatoes and guava, are known to cut the risk of prostate cancer. Whereas naturally dark greens, like spinach and collards, are known to help build healthy cells and support immune health.
In order to get the benefits of superfoods, one must consume them on a regular basis. However, before you go out and buy every superfood known to man, ask yourself: what superfoods are in season right now? You might not realize this, but sustainability and eating healthy go hand in hand. When you eat any foods, especially our superfood fruits and vegetables, it’s better to eat what’s in season. Why? Well, there are many reasons including:
Fruits and vegetables that grow out of season usually have lower levels of vitamins and minerals.
Out of season foods tend to have more pesticides and/or antibiotics in them.
The food might not taste as fresh.
It could go bad quicker.
Out of season foods will most likely cost you more and use less sustainable growing practices.
So how can you ensure that you’re eating your Superfoods in season? Check out this handy guide from the Ohio Farm Bureau for in season fruits and vegetables:
Written by Megan Landean